Handling one baby is a full-time job, but imagine throwing twins and twin sleep training into the mix and you will be one busy person!
The moment the ultrasound confırms two pounding hearts, it is time to start preparing yourself for a hectic year ahead.
Yes, “double trouble” will be synonymous with you because handling two babies at one time is not going to be easy. However, the sheer double happiness and double memories aren’t something many can speak about.
One of the critical things that parents of twins need to learn first is how to sleep train twins. Mastering twin sleep training is bound to make life one step easier. Parents can slowly begin to sleep train their twins at around three months or 12 weeks of age.
At first glance, it may seem like a daunting task to accomplish. However, a few crucial elements can be included in the training process to make it easier. Below we will discuss the key points for understanding and mastering twin sleep training.
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Introduce White Noise
Introducing white noise into your twins’ life, will go a long way with twin sleep training. White noise is an excellent stress reliever for adults and babies alike. Your babies might be sensitive to sound. So, unless you soundproof your entire home, there will be small noises and sounds while they are sleeping.
This issue with sound is more prominent in the case of twins. Since they are two separate individuals, they are bound to cry, laugh, and make noises at different times, so disturbing one another will become a big nuisance.
White noise helps muffle the intensity of these noises and makes the baby relaxed enough with small noises around them. Studies have shown that introducing white noise as early as six weeks has been known to be a great stress reliever for most babies.
Create A Schedule And Routine For Your Twins
By the time your babies are just 12 to 14 weeks old, it will be best to create a schedule for your twin babies. One way to get them on a schedule is to wake them up together and to feed them together.
This will be particularly important when one baby is sleeping, but the other baby is crying to be fed. In this case, you might opt to wake your sleeping baby. Then, you would feed your twins simultaneously in order to keep your twins on the same schedule.
Once your twins get a bit older, for example when they start hold their own bottle, feeding can be scheduled separately, if needed.
Nap Training Twins
At first, your newborn twins sleep schedule will mean 18 to 20 hours of sleep per day. However, this duration will be gradually shortened as they grow. The day time nap hours should be broken into sections of 1 hour to 2 hours in duration. This should be followed by feeding, and after the newborn phase is over, at least half an hour of playtime.
If your twins have enough short naps during the day, they will slowly adjust to sleeping for a longer stretch during the night hours. Once this habit is gradually introduced, babies will start to respond to the scheduled routine.
Create A Bedtime Routine For Twins
We all know that an exercise and workout routine can help improve insomnia in adults. We can apply the same logic to babies. Creating a good bedtime routine for your twins, will help signal that it is time for bed. Having a few activities as part of this routine can help make them extra tired.
Each night, bathe them after dinner. As they spend more time playing and enjoying their bath time, it will tire them out quickly.
Over time your twins will learn that after bath time comes bedtime. Falling asleep will become easier because your babies will get accustomed to the routine.
Gradually Introduce The Fading Out Method For Sleep Training Twins
Fading out is a useful method for twin sleep training. You can even use this for sleep training twins in the same room too.
During the initial days, babies need a constant presence to feel safe. Patting them or rocking them shows that you are a continuous physical presence guarding them. This sense of trust reduces their fear of seclusion and loneliness gradually.
With time parents should slowly reduce the amount of time invested in patting or rocking them as they sleep. Once they get used to less contact time, your babies will begin to sleep for longer hours without needing comfort and attention from you.
Use One Crib For Twin Sleep Training
Twins have an inborn affinity towards each other. Studies have shown that they feel less scared and impatient when they have their sibling nearby. For the newborn phase, it is okay to let your twins sleep in the same crib, rather than two separate ones.
Besides a crib, another option for your twins to be close is a twin Pack n Play, which comes with individual bassinets. Your babies can sleep in the Pack N Play bassinets until they outgrow them. This will be when they reach around 13 to 14 pounds.
That wraps up the six tips you need for twin sleep training. I hope you found this post helpful and remember to give your twins time and have patience with them.
About the guest author:
Amelia Ava decided to document her parenting experience after her second baby. She felt like she should share her expertise to new moms or parents who are facing challenges. Thus the journey of Facebabies started. A fun mom, open to new ideas, and helping others are some words that can describe her. She plans to continue the journey and get connected with other parents via her blog.
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Awesome Post
Glad you enjoyed it Shanari!