Last updated: December 3, 2023

How exactly are you going to feed TWO babies? That’s what expecting and new twin parents often wonder.

Well one way to accomplish this task is to invest in a twin feeding pillow, and actually in some instances I would recommend also getting a single feeding pillow as well. In this post, as a twin mom who has been there, struggling to feed twins at the same time, I am reviewing the best options for twin feeding pillows whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding.

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What Is a Twin Feeding Pillow?

A twin feeding pillow is a pillow built with the purpose of being able to feed two babies at the same time. The intention could be to either nurse or bottle feed twins simultaneously.

An example of the two most popular and well known twin feeding pillows are the My Brest Friend Twin Nursing pillow pictured here.

And, the Twin Z pillow pictured below. This pillow was actually featured on Shark Tank and Lori even made a deal with the creators of this pillow.

Do I Need a Twin Feeding Pillow?

No, you do not actually NEED a twin feeding pillow. But, I do HIGHLY RECOMMEND getting one if you have twins.

This is because it will just make your very hectic life a little easier. Having something that makes feeding two babies at the same time more simple is a huge benefit for twin parents.

How Many Twin Feeding Pillows Do I Need?

If you do decide to get a twin feeding pillow, I would recommend starting with one pillow. If you end up really loving this pillow, then you could get a second one afterwards.

For example, you might find it easier to have one twin feeding pillow upstairs and one downstairs if your home has two floors. Or, you might want one type of twin feeding pillow for nursing and a different one for bottle feeding.

Best Twin Feeding Pillow Options

What exactly are the best twin feeding pillows on the market? In this section, I will be sharing and reviewing details of the best tandem feeding pillow options. I will also discuss instances where you will want to consider purchasing both a twin feeding pillow and a single nursing pillow.

1 – Twin Z Pillow

This twin feeding pillow was mentioned above as well. One of the reasons I highly recommend all expecting twin parents add this to their twin baby registry or purchase one is that it has so many uses.

This pillow can effectively be used for either nursing twins or bottle feeding twins at the same time. If you wanted to, you could also use it to feed one twin at a time too.

On top of that, this pillow can act as a lounging spot for your twin babies as well. It’s super convenient to have a safe spot for your babies to just hang out until they start rolling over. So, as you can see the Twin Z pillow has so many uses for twin babies that it’s probably worth the investment to make life with newborn twins a little bit easier.

2 – My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow For Twins

As described in the name for this product, the My Brest Friend twin feeding pillow is meant to assist with breastfeeding twins. This is the pillow I decided to purchase because I planned to breastfeed my twins.

However, nursing my premature twins did not work out. I ended up pumping rather than nursing. That means unfortunately, I never was able to use my twin breastfeeding pillow.

If I were doing it over again, I would have purchased the Twin Z pillow. Then, if needed or if I found breastfeeding twins with the Twin Z pillow to be difficult, I would buy the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow for Twins after I knew breastfeeding my twins was going well.

With that said, this pillow is a wonderful aid for those that need to nurse twins at the same time. But it might be best to wait and see how breastfeeding is going before purchasing one. Keep in mind, when your twins are newborns you might not be feeding them simultaneously all that much anyway.

Further down the line, once you get your twins on the same schedule, you will nurse them at the same time almost all the time. So, you have time once your twins arrive to figure out if this will be a pillow you want.

3 – TwinGo Nurse & Lounge Pillow

The TwinGo pillow is the newest twin feeding pillow on the market. It’s a really cool pillow because it also converts into TWO loungers for your babies.

With its similar shape for nursing to the My Brest Friend twin feeding pillow it has similar positives and negatives as far as nursing twins goes. It’s great when you do need to breastfeed two babies at the same time, but with twins it’s hard to predict if breastfeeding will be successful.

Again, I would recommend waiting to see if nursing is going well. If it is, then I would pick either the My Brest Friend or the TwinGo pillow as an aid for breastfeeding your twins.

4 – Boppy Nursing Pillow

You might be wondering why a single breastfeeding pillow is included here. I have actually included two different ones so you can choose the one you think you would prefer.

If you will be breastfeeding twins, then it is very beneficial to have BOTH a twin feeding pillow for simultaneous feedings and a single breastfeeding pillow when your twins do not eat at the same time.

Double breastfeeding pillows are very bulky and unless you have two babies on them, it is not ideal for feeding just one baby. Secondly, in the beginning when your twins are newborns, you will often be feeding them at different times.

For these reasons, it’s best to get both a single and a double feeding pillow specifically for breastfeeding. With that said, the Boppy is a great breastfeeding pillow. It’s probably the most popular one on the market. It’s easy to carry around the house and to take on and off for breastfeeding.

5 – My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow

Whether you get the single My Brest Friend nursing pillow or the Boppy pillow is really a toss up. I found the My Brest Friend pillow to be much easier to use for feeding a newborn.

But after about six weeks of age, both pillows work great. As far as setting up to nurse, the Boppy pillow is easier than the My Brest Friend because you can just slide it on and off over your stomach.

The My Brest Friend has a clip in the back that you need to attach before starting a nursing session. I don’t think you can go wrong with either the Boppy or the My Brest Friend pillow for those single breastfeeding sessions. Just go with your gut and pick the one that you think would work best for you.

6 – DIY Twin Feeding Pillow

All right, now we are getting into some creative ways to go about feeding twin babies. At the end of the day, I pretty much ended up doing a modified version of a DIY twin feeding pillow to bottle feed my twins.

I would lay one baby on my lap (the one who was more difficult to feed) and one baby to my right side, while sitting on an oversized chair and I would bottle feed them. This worked, but I was always nervous that they did not have enough head support or were not leaning forward enough.

However, they never got sick, so I continued this method until they were capable of holding a bottle themselves because it worked for me. Now, if I had known about the Twin Z pillow back then, I definitely would have bought it. So, just keep that in mind.

With my personal feeding method in mind, you could create a DIY twin feeding pillow setup by using two pillows you have around the house and propping them up against a wall or on the back of a couch. This would apply for bottle feeding twins.

Additionally for breastfeeding, you don’t necessarily need feeding pillows, or you could try using pillows you have at home for support. However, you can take it from my personal experience with bottle feeding twins and nursing a singleton, it will make your life MUCH EASIER to get one single nursing pillow and one double nursing pillow for breastfeeding.

7 – Pregnancy Sleeping Pillow

Did you buy a pillow for help with sleep during your twin pregnancy? Why not repurpose it to help with feeding your twins?

The super long length of pregnancy sleeping pillows gives you enough room to use it to support and prop at least two babies. It’s a cool idea and could save you some money. As with the DIY twin feeding pillow option, I do think this is a better thing to consider for bottle feeding twins rather than for nursing them.

Best Twin Breastfeeding Pillow

Which of the twin feeding pillow options above are best for breastfeeding? Given it’s proven capabilities, I would have to opt for the My Brest Friend Twin Breastfeeding pillow for this one.

If you are really liking the sound of the Twin Z pillow or the TwinGo pillow, these pillows are still totally acceptable for breastfeeding twins. But, I will just share what I have learned in my twin Facebook groups, which is that the My Brest Friend double pillow is very popular and well liked for breastfeeding twins.

Best Twin Bottle Feeding Pillow

When it comes to bottle feeding twins the hands down winner is the Twin Z pillow. It’s really the only pillow on the market specifically made to help with feeding breast milk or formula from a baby bottle to two babies at the same time.

The fact that you can use this pillow to bottle feed, breastfeed, or as a lounger for your twins makes it really beneficial. I hate calling something a must have when it’s not absolutely necessary. Technically, you do not absolutely need a breastfeeding or bottle feeding pillow at all, so I will just say this is a product I highly recommend twin parents invest in.

Before we move on, you might be interested in these FREE Twin Pregnancy Checklists. You can get them now by clicking the button below!

Twin pregnancy checklists including baby registry, hospital bag, & trimester mockup image.

Things To Consider When Buying a Twin Feeding Pillow

What are the most important things to know before purchasing a twin feeding pillow? First, they are expensive, so you should consider if you really think you will use it.

If you are at all nervous about trying to breastfeed or bottle feed twins then it’s best to go ahead and get the Twin Z pillow before your babies arrive. I recommend the Twin Z pillow since you can both breastfeed and bottle feed twins with it.

Something else that you might not think about is that twin feeding pillows are very bulky and cumbersome. There’s just no way around this. For this reason, you will want to have a designated spot in the house where your twin feeding pillow is setup.

Lastly, if you are just not sure if you will use a pillow for feeding your twins, then you could always wait until they arrive. If you are struggling with feeding them, then you could go ahead and buy a pillow.

The best twin bottle feeding and nursing pillows.

What About the Table For Two?

Why is the table for two not on this list for feeding twins? Well, first of all it’s not a pillow, so it doesn’t really belong on this list specifically.

Additionally, I think the table for two can be a very beneficial if you know you will be bottle feeding your twins. But, you can accomplish the same thing with the Twin Z pillow at more than half the price.

Or, you could invest in two bouncers for feeding. So, while it’s a very cool product, it has a very hefty price tag for what you get.

How To Use a Twin Feeding Pillow

How exactly can you go about using a twin feeding pillow? There are different methods depending on whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding. Below we will review how to use a double feeding pillow for each method.

I also want to mention that it’s extremely beneficial to setup a feeding station in your home. This will make mealtime much easier when your twins are babies. You should have your pillow(s), a comfortable spot to sit up, burp cloths, and you can have your breast pump there too if you are using one.


If you are using a double feeding pillow to feed two babies at the same time, it will take some practice to get the hang of it. Don’t forget, it’s hard enough nursing one baby, especially as a newborn.

I actually recommend figuring out breastfeeding your newborns one at a time first, and once you feel comfortable, then move on to using the twin feeding pillow for nursing simultaneously. I think one of the trickiest parts of breastfeeding twins is coordinating and setting up your twin feeding pillow.

You will need to be able to put the pillow around your stomach and waist area, but also be able to pick up both your babies after the pillow is attached. You will figure out the best way to do this with practice.

Once you have put the pillow around your waist, place each baby on one side of the pillow, so that each baby can latch to one of your breasts. For nursing twins simultaneously, you will likely use the football style breastfeeding hold for nursing.

Make sure each baby is appropriately latched on, and your feeding sessions begins. You will want to switch the breast each baby is eating from per session or you can switch mid-feed.

It’s probably easiest to just rotate per session, if your babies are okay with that. For example, if baby A eats from your right breast for session #1, then baby A will eat from your left breast for session #2 of the day.

Additionally, you can consider switching which baby starts on which breast each day since your milk supply is highest in the morning. So, if baby A ate from your right breast on day 1 for session #1, then baby B would eat from your right breast on day 2 for session #1.

I understand this can get very complicated. The best way to handle this is to write it down or track it on your phone. Tracking feedings is super helpful in the first couple weeks, but after that you might not need to track anymore because you will have gotten comfortable with feeding your twins.

Helpful: Breastfeeding Tracker for Twins

Bottle Feeding

If you will be using a twin feeding pillow for bottle feeding, I’m assuming you are using the Twin Z pillow. I would start by getting the pillow ready and propping your twins up on it.

Next, you will prepare your bottles of either breast milk or formula. For formula you can either make it ahead of time and keep it in the fridge or just mix it on demand with room temperature water.

Once the bottles are ready (remember it will take a minute or two to prep them), you can head to the pillow where your babies are ready and waiting for their bottles.

Sit in front of the pillow and feed the bottles simultaneously. The floor is likely the easiest spot to do this. Take a break or two during the feeding for burping.

Helpful: Twin Feeding Logs

Twin Feeding Accessories

What other twin specific feeding gear might you need? Below we are covering a couple more items you might be wondering about.

Twin Feeding Pillow Cover

When you have a twin feeding pillow, many times they come with a cover. However, you will probably want to get one more extra pillow cover since spills and spit ups will happen. This way you can wash your dirty cover, but continue to use your feeding pillow using the backup cover without any worries.

Twin Breastfeeding Privacy Cover

What about a breastfeeding cover for twins? Here’s the reality, trying to nurse two babies, while also using a privacy cover will be difficult.

Also, you are probably not going to be dragging your double nursing pillow with a privacy cover out of the house often. I would not bother with this at first.

If you do decide this is something you would like and breastfeeding is going well, then buy it at that time. The best option is a 360 degree full coverage cover.

That is the complete low down on twin feeding pillows for both breastfeeding and bottle feeding.

Now you can select the pillow option that will work best for you and feeding your twins. The good news is that there are actually good options on the market, and yes, you even have a choice in products.

Personally, I think a twin feeding pillow is a great investment for twin parents because it is a huge help when trying to feed two babies at the same time. Good luck as you navigate this new adventure of feeding twins.

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  1. Families who choose to use bottles for feeding their twins have the benefit of extra hands. Mom is not the only source of food as she is when breastfeeding. Dad, grandparents, a nanny, or other helpers can participate in the feeding process. However, there are many times when it is necessary for one person to feed both babies at the same time, and that is when it is handy to have a strategy. It takes some practice, but it can be very manageable to feed two babies at the same time.