So you are expecting twins, congratulations! This news comes with so many questions. As a twin mom who has been there, in this post I will cover all things on preparing for twins.

Whether you are looking for a twins checklist or you are trying to figure out how to budget for twins, then you have come to the right place. Read on for everything you need to know about getting ready for the arrival of your babies.

Please note, there are affiliate links in this post. Read my privacy & disclosure policy at the bottom of this page to learn more.

Preparing For Twins In the First Trimester

Let’s start at the beginning, the first trimester of twin pregnancy. What should you be doing to prepare for twins during this time?

Honestly, in the first trimester you are probably just starting to wrap your head around the idea that you will be taking care of two newborns at the same time. And if you are reading this as the expecting mom of twins, you are just trying to survive being exhausted and nauseous. But don’t worry most pregnant twin mamas feel better as they enter the second trimester.

My advice for your first trimester is to just get used to the idea that you are having twins and focus on getting through the exhaustion and nausea. If you want to do more, start thinking about twin maternity clothes and your twin registry list, but that’s not a necessity.

Once you get your energy back in the second trimester, you can start doing the things we will discuss below to prepare for twins.

Preparing For Twins Checklists

As overwhelming as having twins may seem, a preparing for twins checklist can go a long way in helping you feel more prepared. Here is my recommended list of things to do before your babies are born.

  • Create your twin baby registry and get the must haves from your list – I recommend Amazon or Babylist
  • Design and setup a nursery for twins
  • Assemble baby gear before your babies arrive (stroller, bassinets, etc.)
  • Create a budget for the first year with twins
  • Take a birthing class and a twins class (if available) – yes, I recommend you take BOTH!
  • Decide how you will feed your twins – be prepared that this does not always go as planned
  • Have a childcare plan

As you go through this list, keep in mind that twins have a tendency to arrive earlier than singletons. For instance my twins were born at 35 weeks, which is the average arrival for a twin pregnancy.

If you are able to, aim to complete this list by 32 weeks into your pregnancy. This is just my recommendation though, it’s not the end of the world if you don’t.

I know for me personally I did not do everything listed. These are just my tips as a twin mom who has been through it. This is how I would handle preparing for twins if I were to do it all over again.

Before we move on, these FREE Twin Pregnancy Checklists will help you get started. You can get them now by clicking the button below!

Twin pregnancy checklists including baby registry, hospital bag, & trimester mockup image.

How To Prepare For Twins Financially

What about being financially prepared now that you know there are two babies? The reality is having twins is more expensive than having one baby.

There are two mouths to feed, more baby gear is required, more clothing is required, and childcare for twins is expensive, just to name some of the items. I wanted to include a section on budgeting for twins, since it is so important. But budget planning is not my area of expertise.

I recommend checking out this post on budgeting for twins and also this post on getting twin gear on a budget. Those posts will get you started on the things you need to think about as you set your budget for the arrival of your babies.

Twin Baby Registry & Baby Gear For Twins

You might be surprised to find out most must have twin baby gear is not necessarily built for twins. It’s more a matter of knowing what you need two of and what you only need one of.

Our twin baby gear checklist article goes over this in detail. But I do want to share my favorite twin gear here too. The absolute best thing you can invest in for twins is the Twin-Z pillow.

The Twin-Z pillow just has so much versatility. You can use it whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding. You can also use it as a lounging spot or for tummy time practice. With so many uses it is 100% worth getting one.

The only other thing specifically for twins you will need is a double stroller. For this I recommend a double stroller frame because it is so lightweight.

It’s just much easier to get in and out of your car with a stroller frame than a double convertible stroller. You can take this straight from me because I made the mistake of getting the convertible stroller and I hated it.

It was too big and bulky. When my singleton came along, I happily invested in a single frame stroller.

Besides that, the rest of your must have twin baby gear will not be twin specific. It will just be determining how many of each item to get for two babies.

Things To Think About When Preparing For Twins

As you get ready for the arrival of two newborns to care for, there are a lot of questions that come up! Below I am sharing some of most common questions expecting twin parents have.

There are a lot of topics covered with links to more in depth information on each topic.

Feeding Twins

One of the biggest decisions you will make is how to feed your babies. And it won’t always go as planned. Your first step is deciding what you want to do – breastfeed, formula feed, pump, or a combination?

The following articles will give you some more insight on feeding newborn twins.

How do I feed two babies at the same time?

Is it possible to breastfeed twins?

Sample twins breastfeeding schedules

Sleep With Newborn Twins

For me personally, it was very important to get my twins on a schedule when they were capable of doing this. You can read more about schedules and sleep with newborn twins by clicking the links below.

How do I get sleep with newborn twins?

Newborn twins schedule expectations

The best newborn twins sleeping arrangements

How to sleep train twins

Preparing Your Vehicle For Twins

The biggest issue at hand will be installing two car seats in your car. I will tell you car seats are much larger and take up a lot more room than you think.

You will be able to fit two car seats in your vehicle, but don’t expect to have much more room than that. For those having twins, I recommend opting for narrow car seats.

My personal pick for the best infant car seats for twins are the Graco SnugRide Snuglock 35 seats. Finally, make sure you have your trunk cleaned out so you have room for your stroller.

Diapers For Twins

How many diapers you need for twins? This is probably the first question that comes up regarding diapers. Just click the link to find out.

Finally, it’s also important to get your diaper bag in order. Here is a diaper bag checklist for twins that you might find helpful.

Clothing For Twin Babies

Get all the details on how much clothing you will need for your twins by clicking below.

How much clothing is needed for twins?

Going Out With Newborn Twins

I was always pretty afraid to go too far alone with my newborn twins. My big outing for the day usually involved taking a walk around the neighborhood.

But you don’t have to be like me! Check out the best tips below.

How do I go out alone with newborn twins?

Childcare For Twins

If you will be returning to work, there is a good chance you will be needing childcare for your two babies. You will need to decide between daycare or hiring a nanny for twins.

Everything you need to know about preparing for twins.

Preparing For Twins Books

Personally, I did not go crazy reading every twin book out there on the market. In fact, I’m pretty sure I relied mostly on What To Expect When You’re Expecting, which isn’t even a book for twin parents.

So, I would definitely recommend getting the What To Expect books, both for pregnancy and for the first year with your babies. They are helpful guides and will give you the basics on what you need to know.

Now as far as the best twin pregnancy books, you can click that link to check out the detailed blog post for the full lowdown. A quick summary of my favorite books are:

Another type of book you might be interested is a twin pregnancy planner journal. I found there to be a lack of good pregnancy journals on the market for those pregnant with twins.

So that’s why I created one! My printable twin pregnancy journal and planner includes a week by week twin pregnancy journal and over 20 pages of pre-filled checklists, trackers, and calendars.

This is the ultimate way to stay organized, plus keep everything related to your pregnancy all in one place. If you just want the planner or just the journal – those are available in my Etsy shop:

Preparing For The Delivery Of Twins

There is a lot of preparation and planning when getting ready for your twin delivery. First up, I want to mention that you might be wondering when to stop working. You can click the link below to find out the details on that.

When should I stop working when pregnant with twins?

Now what about prepping for labor and delivery? I have already written a detailed post on what to expect for your twin pregnancy delivery, so definitely check that out.

Birthing Class For Twins

Additionally, I highly recommend you take a labor and delivery class. You have two options. You could take a class at your local hospital or take an online class from the comfort of your own home.

But what online class should you take if you are having twins? I highly recommend the online birthing classes from Mommy Labor Nurse.

There are quite a few reasons I recommend these courses to expecting twin parents. First, each course is designed just for your type of birth.

Whether you’re having a C-section or vaginal delivery with an epidural – that is the course you will sign up for. Quite often those expecting twins know the type of delivery they are having in advance.

Second, there is an entire section of each course specifically talking about the birth of multiples. That makes these online birthing classes perfect for twin parents to be.

The classes include over 3 hours of birthing lesson videos and 2 hours of newborn care videos. And finally, these birthing classes are taught by a labor and delivery nurse who is also a mom.

The reviews are amazing and you will be fully prepared for labor and delivery after taking it. Choose from the list below.

If you are on the fence, go ahead and sign up for the FREE birth workshop first and see if you like it.

Be Aware Of the NICU

It is not unusual for newborn twins to spend extra time in the hospital. It’s important to mentally prepare for the possibility of a stay in the NICU.

Additionally, there is also potential for one of your twins to come home with you, while the other one has to stay at the hospital. This is actually what happened to us.

My twins were born at 35 weeks and were both sent to the Continuing Care Nursery (CCN) after birth. At our hospital this was considered a step below the NICU.

After their stay in the CCN, Baby A came to our room and then home with us. But Baby B had to be moved to the NICU and spend 6 more days there. She was being treated with antibiotics for an infection.

This was very difficult, but I was aware this was a possibility after having taken the twins class at our hospital. Having this knowledge made the situation a little bit easier and we were not caught off guard that this happened. That’s why I made sure to mention it here, so you have this knowledge as well.

Pregnant with twins? Here's how to prepare.

Preparing for twins is a job unto itself! Planning and getting ready for their arrival will make caring for your newborns a little bit easier.

That wraps up all my thoughts on how to prepare for twins. There are many things you need to do to be prepared.

Don’t stress about getting everything done at once. Take it one day at a time and tackle one or two items each week. If you’re overwhelmed get our Twin Pregnancy Planner.

Last but not least, you can also check out this list of the best twin pregnancy blogs for even more FREE resources. Good luck as you prepare for the arrival of your beautiful twin babies.

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